🥕 Trader Joe's

🏷️ Grocery store

📍 940 E University Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

📏 2 miles

🗺️ Google Map direction


How to get there

Transit (our preferred mode)

15-20 minutes

You can take either take the light rail or the Orbit bus to Trader Joe’s, which is great for a large grocery haul (we recommend buying a foldable shopping cart).

Catch an Orbit Mercury bus going west toward Downtown Tempe/ASU at the corner of Smith Rd and Lemon St. Get off at the University/Rural transit center station.

You can take the light rail going west toward 19th Ave/Dunlap and ride 3 stops to the University/Rural transit center station. Then walk about 5 minutes to the Trader Joe’s.


10 minutes

If your bike has a basket, you can make the 10-minute ride to TJ’s using the Don Carlos/Lemon St route, and then riding north on Dorsey Ln to University Dr where the shopping center is located.

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