🥕 Groceries and errands, car-free
Grocery stores within 3 miles
Once you've checked out Busan Mart, Culdesac's on-site Korean grocery store, try walking, taking the light rail, or riding your bike to the grocers and supermarkets below.
You can always rent an Envoy or TÄ“n4 for a monthly Costco run. But we find making more, quicker grocery runs means you can optimize what you get, where: produce at Fry's, frozen food at Trader Joe's, specialty and quick bites at Busan Mart... refine to your heart's content.
Virtually anything you need is accessible car-free
Find every thing you need—doctors, schools, hair salons, hotels, and more—and how to get there car-free on the map below. Contact your mobility concierge if you're trying to figure out the best way to get to any other destinations.
Toggle layers on and off to zero in on what you need. Click the > arrow next to the title in the upper left, then hover over each legend entry and click the eye to hide.